Introducing yet another talented, beautiful ASD senior... Stephanie! This girl has a set of pipes like you wouldn't believe. Her powerful, soulful voice will just send shivers up your spine! We've seen her in a couple of school musicals, and every time, we can't help but drop our jaws when she starts singing. I am so eager to see where Stephanie's incredible talent leads her. I met up with Stephanie a couple of months ago- Months?! Really? Are we THAT far behind??? Eeek!- just before sunset at the beach. The afternoon turned out to be oh-so windy. And beautiful Stephanie... well, she has loooong, flowing hair... enough said, you can imagine our dilemma... We spend the majority of our session patiently waiting for momentary pauses between gusts, and still managed to walk away with some gorgeous images where her hair wasn't standing on end!

Thank you, Stephanie, once again for asking me to document this exciting milestone in your life. Best of luck in all your future adventures, and whatever you do, keep on singing!