It's pretty "bare bones" right now, but we were just itchin' to start using it. More details about our budding business and services to come... in the meantime, you can look up the definition of "wayfarer" to keep you busy, if you don't already know what it means=)...
Here are a few photo shoots from our trip home to Oregon this winter.
*I must preface that for some reason the color of the photos washes out when I upload them to the blog... frustrating... I will look into this soon. Grumble, grumble, grumble.
Because of helpful suggestions from 2 incredibly talented photographers, Jessica Kettle and Bethany Fegles, we have vibrant pictures once again! Thank you so much for the tips ladies- you are awesome!!! Not only are we inspired by your beautiful work, but now we know you are just plain sweet and helpful as well =).
Everyone else- you must check out their blogs... they are fabulous!
Chris and Amber
We had the privilege of taking photos for Chris and Amber on their wedding day. They were absolutely adorable! We thoroughly enjoyed watching the beaming newlyweds- it was so clear that they were crazy about each other and so well matched. Their wonderful families were very welcoming, and even included us in the post-ceremony festivities!
Thank you so much Chris and Amber, and we wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness!!!

Kora Lynn
Our cousin Alicia and her husband Cody welcomed beautiful Kora Lynn into the world on December 8th! Even the harsh winter weather couldn't keep me from spending an hour with my camera in her cute little face! Instead of sleeping, like most new babies, Kora wanted to be awake and looking around. She was content to gaze out of the window while I snapped away, and made some of the funniest faces I have ever seen! I can't wait to snuggle her again this summer=).

She's not even my baby and I want this picture framed and hanging on my wall! So cute!!!

I will leave you with a few of those "funny faces" Kora has already perfected=)

Great first posts! I want to squeeze this baby, she's so sweet. :)
Congratulations on your new blog! Cant wait to see all that will be posted!
Pretty stinkin cute!
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