We began the session with a stop at one of THE GREATEST places in the world- Al Reef Lebanese Bakery. Oh my goodness, just typing the name of that incredible place makes my mouth start watering! It is here that you can feast on perhaps the world's greatest culinary masterpiece- cheesebread. I know what you're thinking. This girl's nuts! Cheesebread? Masterpiece? But let me tell you. There are simply not powerful enough words in the English language to describe this ooey, gooey, salty, doughy, melt-in-your-mouth goodness! Mmmmmmm might be the best descriptor. It's a celebration for your taste buds (what it does to your waistline, however, is a completely different story!) Cheesebread (or Cheesy Labanesy, as we affectionately refer to it) will be, without a doubt, the thing I miss most about Dubai when we move on. So, as I was saying before I began professing my love for the awesome cheesebread... we started our photo session at Al Reef (drool!) to get some fun informal shots. All of the bakery employees were very curious about what we were doing and kept peeking out the window at us. They even had me come inside to take a picture of a guitar cake they had made.
After Al Reef, we headed to the beach to climb around on some rocks and take advantage of the sherbety sunset. They guys were such great sports for the whole event, as I'm sure having us follow them with our cameras was not high on their lists of how to spend an evening! It was so fun to watch them interact with each other and their mom. All sorts of funny family stories came out... and truly, this family is SO wonderful! These well-spoken brothers are talented scholars, driven athletes, and have such great hearts. One is even growing out his killer red hair to donate to Locks for Love! I am BEYOND impressed!!! Come to think of it though, spend just five minutes with their incredibly kind and thoughtful parents and you'll know exactly how these boys came to be who they are. We are completely and totally inspired by the Henderson's love and camaraderie. My fingers are crossed that we will raise such a close and fun family someday... Denise and Jerry, we'll be coming to you for tips!

p.s. We finally got around to creating a little logo stamp. I'm so excited about it! Don't you think it makes everything look more professional? It's all about the little things, people... =)
that 18 year old is sure cute :) and that Logo is AMAZING!!!!!!! best ive ever seen!
LOVE the sunset shot!
Great Job!
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