Tarique and Cortney were some of the first people we met in Dubai, and we are eternally grateful to them for introducing us to Al Reef's heavenly cheesy bread! Mmmmmm... =) Cort and Tarique have two of the cutest kiddos we have ever met- just one look at these pictures and you'll quickly agree! Omar is such a happy little guy, and I am convinced he is the snuggliest baby in the world. The highlight of my day was when he cuddled up and fell asleep on my chest at the end of the session... he just melts my heart every time I see him! Little Jada is so full of spunk and personality. Watch out world- not even 3, and this little girl has her own mind and agenda! We had to use some clever strategies (finding pretty flowers, and playing in the fuzzy bushes) to convince Jada that our cameras weren't all that bad. We spent a lot of time with our cameras in her face, and as her patience waned, bribery became the name of the game... "Jada, just a few more pictures and we can get some green ice cream." That brought out the smiles, BIG time! It was so fun to follow Jada around and hear her sweet little voice. So what if her favorite word right now is "NO!" She is so darn cute when says it, especially when she gets that coy little smirk on her face. Girl's got her own little sense of humor too!
After the photo session we all walked down to a yummy pizza place for dinner, and then had green ice cream (oh yes, B&R mint chocolate chip) for dessert! What a fun way to spend an afternoon! Thanks so much, guys! Hope you enjoy the photos of your beautiful family!!!

See that cute little smirk? I'm pretty sure she had just told us "No!" =)